Endpoint / Element | Alternative | Deprecated from | Deleted from |
All about occupations Occupations - DELETE (2x) - GET (2x) - POST (2x) OccupationsDocuments - GET - POST | New endpoints are planned from Q1 2022 (only CoreAPI) (object EmploymentContract is already available as bèta release, more informatie in Swagger) | 2020.10 | |
PersonOccupation - GET | New endpoints are planned from Q1 2021 | 2020.10 | |
Vacancy Order.VdabDriversLicences Order.VdabLanguages Order.VdabRegions | none Vacancy.languageSkills Vacancy.region | 2020.11 | |
All GETs for documents GET /sollicitation/sollicitations/{sollicitationId}/cvs GET /sollicitation/subscriptions/{personId}/cvs GET /sollicitation/sollicitations/{sollicitationId}/document/{doctype} GET /sollicitation/subscriptions/{personId}/document/{doctype} GET /sollicitation/sollicitations/{sollicitationId}/motivationdoc GET /sollicitation/subscriptions/{personId}/motivationdoc | None | 2021.04 |
Endpoint / Element | Alternative | Deprecated from | Deleted from |
All about occupations - Occupation - OccupationAnnex - OccupationDimona - OccupationRosterPeriod | New endpoints "Employment" are available | 2020.07 | |
- OccupationPerformance - OccupationPremium - OccupationCorrection | New endpoints EmploymentContractPerformance and EmploymentContratPremium are available For corrections you can use PerformanceState | 2020.07 | 2023.11 |
- POST /integration/occupation/client/ {clientId}/person/{employeeNumber}/premiums - POST integration/occupation/client/ {clientId}/person/{employeeNumber}/performances | All new endpoint for object EmploymentContractPerformance and EmploymentContractPremium. Those enpoints are based on an employmentcontract-id. With the GET on employmentcontract-id you can find clientid and employeenumber (=statuteid). | 2020.07 | 2022.01 |
All optional subentities within the main entity Person when calling a POST - Address - Addresses - Certificates - Communications - Contact - Fiscal - TaxationHistories | Use specific endpoints : - PersonAddress - PersonCertificate - PersonCommunication - PersonTaxationHistory | 2020.07 | |
All optional subentities within the main entity Client when calling a POST - Communications - Contacts | Use specific endpoints : - ClientCommunication - ClientContact | 2020.07 | |
Person.Address Person.Contact Person.Fiscal | Use specific endpoints : - PersonAdress - PersonCommunication - PersonTaxationHistory | 2020.01 | |
Person.SocialSecurityNumber | Person.Inss | 2020.01 | |
Person.Company | The company id linked to the branch will be used | 2020.01 | |
Person.Retired | The presence of RetiredDate will be used | 2020.09 | |
FollowUp.OrderId | FollowUp.vacancyId | 2020.10 | |
ClientDepartment.Contact | ClientDepartment.ContactId | 2022.01 | | | "Zip" for addresses was integer and has changed to string. A new attribute "zipCode" is added and "zip" is become deprecated. ClientAddress.zipCode PersonAddres.zipCode Client.Address.zipCode Person.Address.zipCode ClientDepartment.Address.zipCode ClientCostCenter.Address.zipCode Company.zipCode | 2022.06 | 2023.01 |
ClientOccupation: GET /integration/client/{clientNumber}/occupations | EmploymentContract: GET /integration/employmentContract | 2022.11 | |
DayCode: GET /integration/daycodes | CodeDescription: GET /integration/codes kind 2000 | 2023.01 |